
matter of slowly upping the Replica Omega 2200.50 Planet Ocean Watch level ofdistraction

It only took one ortwo tries for him to realize that trying to gnaw the treat out of myfist wouldn’t work, but that eye contact would be immediatelyrewarded. The clicker speeds this process up drastically by markingthat exact moment when he makes eye contact as the thing that earnedthe treat. Now it’s just a matter of slowly upping the Replica Omega 2200.50 Planet Ocean Watch level ofdistraction: First with a treat under my foot that I could step on ifhe dove for it, then dropping treats in front of him. When Danger wassuccessful about 80 percent of the time in eye contact when Idropped a treat in front of him, we added the cue, leave it.NOTE: Leave it is not a punishment. You don’t shout it or growl it;just say it like matter-of-fact like.

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(This is actually reallydifficult when he’s dragging you toward another dog on a walk.)Now, with your new leave it command, you’ll need to trainhim with the specific problems you’re having. If you want him to ignoreother dogs on walks, you’ll Replica Omega 1835.46.51 Constellation Quadra Watch have to train with another dog. For this, Igive Danger a preemptive leave it as the other dogapproaches. He’s got to turn away from the other dog and make eyecontact to get a reward. By this point, he knows exactly what isrequired to get a treat, it’s just a question of whether pulling towardthe other dog is worth more than a treat in his doggy brain.